Masterclass with Peter Szabo, MCC

Reset your mindset – Choosing coaching tools wisely with Dr. Peter Szabo, MCC

In this on day workshop Peter invites us to take a fresh look at our own coaching practice. With a gentle nudge he helps us to critically put a question mark behind every step in our interaction with clients:
• What proves to be useful in fact?
• And what if there was a radically different way to be effective in our coaching work for the benefit of our clients?
Peter has this talent to lovingly shake our mindset and open up new and fresh perspectives at how we can be most effective as coaches.

Session learning
During the workshop you will:
• Realize to which extent your own mindset influences your usefulness for clients
• Look at common assumptions about coaching and critically check to which extent you want them to be valid and effective in your practice?
• Discover fresh and different ways to interact with your clients and see with which new questions you prefer to experiment in the future.
• Become aware of your influence and responsibility in co-creating the “story” that your client will be leaving and living with.
• Experience working with a simple tool-set of coaching questions which make it more likely for clients to continue on their own with no further need for coaching.

Who can join
Coaches who want to become even more effective in their work with their clients.

290 euro (+ VAT)

Registration here.

Organizational change is a continuous challenge we face daily.

Peter Szabo, one of the worldwide leading experts in organizational development, will share best-practices from his experience in guiding sustainable change projects.

This workshop is designed to provide high added value to managers, consultants and HR experts. 

In this 8 hour workshop you will learn to:
• make best use of your existing resources
• move toward your desired future in a refreshingly simple way
• review and work on your own real projects
• obtain ready-to-use tools for your real life challenges
• directly start to apply and share your learning to get the best out of the change process
• practice how to access the most satisfying solution and move things forward in the direction you desire.

Fee: 200 euro + VAT

Workshop Hosts:

Dr. Peter Szabo, MCC Coach – Co-Founder of SolutionSurfers – Switzerland
As an executive coach Peter specializes in brief coaching processes for leaders who seek sustainable results with minimal intervention. He works with top executives of international corporations and supports change projects all over the world. He currently consults projects for Lufthansa Systems in Budapest, Petronas in Kuala Lumpur, SAP in Heidelberg and for Andritz Hydro in New Dehli. He draws on 15 years of corporate experience as lawyer, manager and organizational developer.

Dr. Petra Müller-Demary, PCC Coach – Founder of SolutionSurfers – Romania.
As an executive coach and systemic business consultant Petra supports her clients in various European countries to find the simple way of change. She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of Human Resources and Organisational Development. As a member of the SolutionSurfers Faculty she runs the Brief Coaching Training program in Romania.

Book your participation here. 





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