Pe scurt, Coachingul este procesul de (re)descoperire si transformare a omului spre ceea isidoreste sa devina. Este un proces de observatie, o calatorie in interiorul fiecaruia care conduce catre intelegerea profunda a modului in care gandim si actionam. Coachingul inseamna simplitate.
Mai in detaliu, stiinta coachingului pleaca de la premisa ca fiecare om este expert in problema lui si ca singur poate ajunge la o concluzie cu privire la motivele pentru care intampina acea problema/ dificultate, cat si la o solutie pentru a rezolva problema/ atinge obiectivul propus.
In aceasta ecuatie, coachul este cel ce te acompaniaza prin diferite tehnici sa iti clarifici:
1. Obiectivul
2. Intelegerea in profunzime a acelui obiectiv si a modului in care te pozitionezi fata de el
3. Primii pasi palpabili pe care ii vei lua spre atingerea lui
My name is Remus and I’m a coach. During my life I’ve had many roles, engineer, manager, leader and now coach. Passion for the way in which people think and perceive their environment have determined me to become a coach. Journey that helped me give a framework to my instinctive knowledge, and to learn different techniques for efficiently accompanying people.
Coaching is a (re)discovery and transformation process of what a person wants to become. It is a process of observation, a journey to the insides of an individual that leads towards a profound understanding of the way in which we think and act. Coaching means simplicity.
In detail, the science of coaching starts from the premise that each individual is an expert in their problem. Only said individual can reach a conclusion regarding the reasons for which they have that problem/difficulty as well as a solution to resolve said issue or reach a goal.
Thus, a coach will accompany you through various techniques to clarify
Your goal or objective
A deep understanding of said goal and of your positioning towards it
The first palpable steps towards attaining said goal