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Systemic Coaching SUPERVISION Marathon
7 octombrie 2020 - 9 octombrie 2020
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A Three-Day intensive Systemic Coaching SUPERVISION Marathon for confirmed international coaches. One of the best ways to prepare for ICF ACC, PCC, or MCC certification.
Systemic coaching rests on a totally inclusive frame of reference or reality principle. To illustrate, systemic coaches perceive themselves as participating observers who are totally involved within their client contexts and issues, within their client objectives and ambitions, within their client behavioral patterns, processes and results.
By intimately participating in client issues and in client solutions, systemic coaches never consider themselves external nor neutral to client quests. They thus develop an awareness that embraces connections between all these different levels of reality. This is more than supervision It is hypervision.
From this systemic coaching frame of reference emerges a particular posture and an original way of embracing all the tools and skills specific to the systemic coaching profession. In such hypervision contexts, original skills and strategies, specific to the systemic posture, can also be considered and developed. Such a systemic approach powerfully multiplies both coach and client transformational capacities. Teaching practical systemic coaching is the purpose of the Metasysteme Coach Academy.
Supervisor: Alain Cardon MCC (ICF)
Participants: Managers and Coaches Trained in Systemic coaching (Fundamentals of Systemic Coaching or equivalent) ACC, PCC and MCC coaches (ICF coach Certification). Fifteen participants maximum, accepted in the order of complete formal registrations.
Please note that supervision is exclusively focused on practical work implemented by participants and does not include the delivery of theoretical models.
Price: Plus local or European tax when applicable / per person for three days: 1500 € when prepaid at least 15 days prior to the event.2000 € plus taxes otherwise.
Dates: October 7-8-9, 2020
Language: English
For registration and more detailes click here!