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Individual Supervision Training

22 august 2014

Daca ai Practitioner Diploma si experienta in calitate de coach, cursul de 1 zi, sustinut de Moira Halliday (AoEC coach supervisor si director, cu o vasta experienta), iti ofera: 

* dezvoltarea competentelor ca si coach;
* uneltele pentru a ghida colegii coach-i;
* modelul complet de supervizare Hawkins Seven Eye;
* procese si dehnici de supervizare;
* procesele supervizarii de echipa.

„Supervision is a working alliance between two professionals where supervisees can offer an account of their work, reflect on it, receive feedback, and where appropriate, guidance. The object of this alliance is to enable the supervisee to gain ethical competence, confidence, compassion, and creativity so as to give their best possible services to their clients.” (Inskipp and Proctor 1995)

Pentru mai multe informatii:
Individual Supervision Training Course

Pentru inscrieri si intrebari:
Cristian Tudoran, cristian.tudoran@aoec.com sau +40723166868

Data: 22 August
Locatia: Azuga, Complex Cramele Rhein
Costuri: 1240 lei per participant (TVA inclus)
992 lei per participant (TVA inclus) Cu plata pana la 1 August, 2014


22 august 2014
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