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16 octombrie 2014 - 17 octombrie 2014
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A two-day workshop for leaders, managers, coaches, consultants.
Two intense days of theory and practice on how to radically change personal and corporate frames of reference as to the way individuals, teams and organizations set goals and achieve extraordinary results.
Outcomes: The participants will:
Revisit their current year goals and expected outcomes in the fields and dimensions of their choice, and reevaluate them in the light of their full potentials.
Replace limiting personal and corporate self-confirming beliefs and behavior patterns concerning possible achievements with others that can permit the full expression of their talents and potentials.
Acquire a process by which they can accompany their teams, organizations and clients to achieve extraordinary financial, growth, quality, safety, etc. results in a very short period of time.
Reconsider their frames of reference as to why and how some people, teams and organizations overachieve, or develop by 20% or more yearly.
Learn a delegation process focused on outcomes that can help their teams and organizations develop to expressing their full potential.
For more detailes please visit www.metasysteme-coaching.eu
Trainer: Alain Cardon MCC, foremost internationally recognized specialist on team coaching.
Price: 850 € (+TVA)/person/2days of training,) unless paid in full at registration.
Dates: October 16-17, 2014 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Location: Bucharest
Attendance: Maximum 20 (extensive practical work in sub-groups)
Certification: International Coach Federation validated training (ACSTH) for coaches